This was my first weekend in my new hometown Hamburg and and Ido not know whenI hadthe last timeso muchparty like this weekend.
We start on friday with with the Eat You Alive concert- it was their last tour Q3Q I don´t know this band so good before. Regrettable... I thinkthey might beone of myfavorites.
Thesupportband too, Hybridsfrom Francewere very good andsurprised mepostive. I am enthusiastic about their music, even if the sound technique in the beginning was not so good.I'm not a fan of the manynon-japanese-Visual Kei-bands, but I remember on Closer (france too) I also liked. They areactually stillactive? I hope Hybrid coming soonback to Germany. When I can I will go to the concert again x3
I bought their CD and a Photoset of Eat You Alive to signed it. Since I want togovisit my familyover Christmas, I have to save money. @³@
On Saturday was the last concert from a german band called 4LYN. I think it´s one of the best bands in Germany and we have some good bands here <.< I saw they over 25 times in the last 14 years. They werean important part ofmy youth, and I'm reallysadthatthey break upafter 17 yearsnow.
Aftertheir41/2 hoursconcert@³@there wasan after show party. Igot the chanceto talkwithall memberand the singerremembered on me. x3I gavethem mycollection ofold articles/CDreviewson them andtheywere very happy. I gotpictures, autographs and a kissfrom the singer.
(my Digi Cam is not the best @³@)
So boys and girls... I hope you have a great Christmas and get many presents from Santa Claus.
Don´t forgetto putoutmilk and cookies for the old man. x33
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