Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2013

The end of two awsome bands

Hi guys and ladys
This was my first weekend in my new hometown Hamburg and and I do not know when I had the last time so much party like this weekend.
We start on friday with with the Eat You Alive concert- it was their last tour Q3Q I don´t know this band so good before. Regrettable... I think they might be one of my favorites.
The support band too, Hybrids from France were very good and surprised me postive. I am enthusiastic about their music, even if the sound technique in the beginning was not so good. I'm not a fan of the many non-japanese-Visual Kei-bands, but I remember on Closer (france too) I also liked. They are actually still active? I hope Hybrid coming soon back to Germany. When I can I will go to the concert again x3
I bought their CD and a Photoset of Eat You Alive to signed it. Since I want to go visit my family over Christmas, I have to save money. @³@

On Saturday was the last concert from a german band called 4LYN. I think it´s one of the best bands in Germany and we have some good bands here <.< I saw they over 25 times in the last 14 years. They were an important part of my youth, and I'm really sad that they break up after 17 years now.
After their 4 1/2 hours concert @ ³ @ there was an after show party. I got the chance to talk with all member and the singer remembered on me. x3 I gave them my collection of old articles / CD reviews on them and they were very happy. I got pictures, autographs and a kiss from the singer.

 (my Digi Cam is not the best @³@)
So boys and girls... I hope you have a great Christmas and get many presents from Santa Claus.
Don´t forget to put out milk and cookies for the old man. x33
See ya!

Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2013

new home

Hi guys
I have my move to Hamburg finally behind me.
The last time was really stressful and I miss my bunny who lives with my mum at the moment. But I´m so in love in my big room 24qm2 for me alone.
And the residential community in which I live is very nice.
I hope I can find now more time for my blog
But today I'm going to the rest of the evening watching horror movies. x3

Samstag, 14. Dezember 2013

neuer Zweitblog

Hi Leute
schon vor geraumer Zeit habe ich diesen Blog erstellt doch leider hatte meine Promotion damals wohl etwas versagt und somit habe ich mit den fehlenden Followern auch das Interesse daran verloren den Blog weiter zu führen, bis jetzt...

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

new tattoo // birthday

It´s stormy outside
Xaver is here
that´s the 2nd big storm in my region
littlebit stupid... tommorow is Saint Nicholas Day and I can´t go to my family Q3Q
okay, I have enough work at home x33
Today I got my 2nd fox tattoo
it hurt a littlebit more than the last
but it was worth it
I´m so in love with it x3
the day before yesterday was my birthday.
 I am now 27 years old. The time is running @³@
I celebrated only with my family and my best friends, but it was a realy nice day. My mom made ​​me my favorite cake, cause I can not bake. x33
I got really nice presents x33

Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013

30 day JROCK challenge; 26, 27, 28, 29 & 30

Day 26:
Your favourite interview with a VK group.
This is one of may favorites.
 I read some funny VelBet interviews. It´s hard to choose one.
Day 27:
A VK member that you would like to meet.

Yoshi & Hiro

Yuna & Kaie
Day 28:
 A VK group you wish would get back together.
Dio, VelBet & Nega Q3Q

Day 29:
A VK song you never get tired of.
Day 30:
Your favourite VK album.
I have to much favorite CDs @³@

Donnerstag, 28. November 2013

30 day JROCK challenge; 21, 22, 23, 24 & 25

Day 21:
Your favourite piece of VK merchendise
my Cheki collection! x3

Day 22:
Your favorite picture of your favorite VK group
I love the last VelBet shooting for Sexpot in the Vinyl Syndicate.
It´s not realy a group picture but they re really nice Q3Q

Day 23:
Your favourite VK tour
Day 24:
A VK song that makes you happy.
It give much songs that make me happy o,o
Day 25:
A VK group that you have seen live.
SuG :3

Dienstag, 26. November 2013

30 day JROCK challenge; 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20

Day 16:
Your favorite VK lyric
(and a translation)
It gives lots of good lyrics I cant choose only one.
I think my favorite lyric depends on my mood at this moment
Day 17:
Your ultimate VK idol
I have only one idol and this is Akira. But she is more a style idol for me :3
Day 18:
Your favourite VK cover song
Day 19:
Best live VK group
Mix Speaker´s Inc.!
I´m not a fan of this band, but they shows makes so fun
I will always go to a concert again. :3


Day 20:
Your favorite picture of your VK idol.


Dienstag, 12. November 2013

Tribute von Panem vs. Battle Royale

Am Wochenende war es soweit. Nachdem mir meine Chefin doch des öfteren den Film "Die Tribute von Panem- Hunger Games" empfohlen hatte habe ich die Free TV Premiere genutzt und mir den Film angesehen. An sich muss ich sagen, alleine schon wegen der Klamotten und der Visagistik etc. war der Film absolut sehenswert, aber das ist nicht der Grund warum ich diesen Eintrag schreibe,
 aber fangen wir von vorne an...

Schon im Vorfeld habe ich mir den Wikipedia Eintrag  zu dem Film durch gelesen, um zu wissen worauf ich mich darauf überhaupt einlasse. Ich bin an sich ja kein Fan dieser ganzen Jugend Filme, ala Twighlight oder Harry Potter. 

Gleich zu Beginn ist mir aufgefallen dass der Film in der Grundstory sehr "Battle Royale" ähnelt. Da Google ein guter Freund von mir ist habe ich natürlich gleich weiter gesucht und des öfteren gelesen das die Autorin Suzanne Collins wohl erst nach ihren Büchern von Battle Royale erfahren hat.

Okay... Lassen wir es mal so im Raum stehen.

Während des gucken fand ich schon dass nicht nur die Grundstory sich sehr glich, sondern noch viel mehr. 

Sowohl Katniss Everdeen als auch Shuya Nanahara - verloren ihren Vater

In beiden Filmen werden Wetten auf den Ausgang des Spieles gesetzt.

In beiden Filmen schließen sich ein paar der Kinder eine Art Allianz  und jagen in der Gruppe weiter. 

In beiden Filmen versterben Mädchen an Giften.

In beiden Filmen wird den Überlebenden vorgehalten wer das Spiel nicht überlebte. Bei BR über Lautsprecher bei Panem glaub ich auch!? Nya zumindest sehen sie es.

 Bei Panem wird Katniss mit Feuer aus den Wald getrieben, bei Battle Royale werden sie mit ihren Halsbändern, die auf gewissen, sich ständig wechselnden Ecken der Insel explodieren umher getrieben.

Ausschlag gebend für diesen Eintrag war nun dass ich vorhin einen Bericht über den zweiten Teil von Tribute von Panem" gesehen habe und was soll ich sagen.

Katniss soll eliminiert genauso wie Shuya in Battle Royale 2 und sogar aus dem selben Grund!? o,o

Also tut mir leid liebe Frau Collins, 
ich bin zwar durchaus jemand der an Zufälle glaubt, 
aber das ist ein wenig too much. Die Story von alles Selbst geschrieben glaube ich nicht mehr. :33

30 day JROCK challenge; 15

Day 15:
Your favourite VK bassist
Koooooichiiiii *______*
and Kisaki x3

Sonntag, 10. November 2013

30 day JROCK challenge; 14

Day 14:
Your favourite VK guitarist
That is a hard question... a really hard question... @³@
I have afetish for guitarists and I can´t choose one xDD
but I will try to keep the selection small
Kei - ex Distraught Overlord

Yuna - VelBet/ ex Vanilla


San - ex Nega

Jun - Gotcharocka/ ex Phantasmagoria
Teru - ex Versailles/ ex Aikaryu

Johann - The Sherry

and more @³@

30 day JROCK challenge; 13

Day 13:
Your favourite VK drummer
It´s Syu/ Denka from Blackline/ Distraught Overlord :3


Hi Dears!
Some of you maybe know that my old Tumblr account getting on my nerves. Why I can´t say. But this was the reason why I delate it and make a new one. I don´t use Tumblr very often, but I don´t to do without. Maybe I'll enjoy it more now :3
I made two Tumblr blogs. One with pictures of me and my life Visual Kei, Lolita, Conventions, Shootings or my bunnys. :3
And the other is for reblogging from my favorite bands ore other nice pictures, Harajuke Street Styles, Animals, Tattoo Art and much more.
Feel free to follow me. :D
Now I need some blogs I follow

Samstag, 9. November 2013

30 day JROCK challenge; 11, & 12

Day 11:
The very first VK song you ever heard
Ayabie - Misery in the Dusk
Day 12:
Your favourite VK singer.
it's hard to choose one @³@
It gives really lots of good singer...
But I think it´s Riuki

Freitag, 8. November 2013

Pokemon Y and more

I started the game two weeks ago. For me is it a good time, cause I don´t spend much time with computer games, but Pokemon is something special. I'm a Pokemon Master since a few days but today I can complete my dream team, Flareon, Talonflame, Yveltal,  Gogoat (called Yuji), Arcanine and  Ninetailes.
On my team you can see that I like fire Pokemon at most. xD
You can guess which Pokémon I like the most. xDDDDD
A little tip, there are two that I like the same and they are from the same family.
My last few days were really boring. There is not much to tell.
On Tuesday I went to the cinema with my brother. We watched Thor 2. It´s really a great movie and I like this One more than the first movie. Okay both are great! xD
I saw the trailer vor the upcoming X-Men movie next year the first time and I'm really excited. But back to Thor. I think I become a fan. The most comic book movies that I like, i like because I used to read the comics, but Thor I get know only about the movies. o,o I can really recommend this movie. Unfortunately, It was my last cinema visit for the next weeks. I hope the upcoming movie releases are boring. xDD
Bye Bye~ 


Donnerstag, 7. November 2013

30 day JROCK challenge; 10

Day 10:
How you first got into VK
It´s a funny story xD I went to some friends and we drank wine and vodka the whole evening. I talked with the boyfriend from my best friend about asian underground splatter movies and the boyfriend said japanese are really crazy, cause they wear clothes for girls. In the first moment I haven´t believe it and then he show me some PV´s from Ayabie.
I saw Ryohei and said "Whahaha sweet girl" but it was a boy and I was confused in the first time.
We talked again about the Splatter movies, but on the next day I was curious and watched more PVs on Youtube. I saw PV´s from Vidoll and fell in love.

Mittwoch, 6. November 2013

30 day JROCK challenge; 7, 8 & 9

Day 7:
A VK song that makes you cry.
Sorry I have no answer... <.<
Day 8:
A VK song you know all the words to.
The most Nega Songs.
I think that´s the reason, why its my favorite band.
Day 9:
Your favorite VK performance.
All the Nega and Dio concerts I have visited! *3*

Sonntag, 3. November 2013

30 day JROCK challenge; 4, 5 & 6

Day 4:
The most underrated VK group.
The Piass!
This band there are now many, many years ago. They have a turbulent band history. Some member are died. Takayuki does the most management alone.
He is really a Visual Kei hero Despite the low success...
It´s one of my oldest favorite Bands.

Day 5:
Your favorite VK song.

Himitsu Kessha Codomo A - Kaijin guruguru otoko kitan
The song always makes me laugh ;33

Day 6:
Your favourite VK video.
Megaromania - Apocalypse
I love it <3

Freitag, 1. November 2013

rest in peace Chiyu

Hi guys
I have bad news. One of my beloved rabbits Chiyu died today.
She had a big infection on her head.
We fought with all means against their disease, but unfortunately without success.
She was much more for me  than just a pet. I cant talk about this without get tears in my eyes, but I think with her disease it´s better when she can sleep in peace now, without all the pain.

I hope she is okay, where ever she will be in this moment...